HPAI Dairy Cattle

Cattle Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Testing at CVMDL

Supplies offered by the CVMDL:

  • 15ml screw top vials.
  • Swabs
  • BHI Broth for nasal swab collection.

To order supplies please complete the Supply Order Form and email it to cvmdl.office@uconn.edu

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Collect samples per protocol:
    • Interstate movement testing:
      • 10-12ml of milk from all 4 quarters in one screw top container.
        Do not pool from different cows.
    • Bulk tank testing:
      • 10-12ml of bulk tank milk representing cows from one single premises in one screw top container.
    • Non-lactating cattle:
      • Nasal swab in one 15ml screw top vial with 0.5ml sterile saline added.
      • Nasal swab in 3ml or 5.5ml BHI Broth.
      • Only one animal per tube
  1. Completely fill-out our Non-Avian HPAI form
    • Please note that a premise ID must be included on the submission form. If the farm does not already have a premise ID, please contact your state veterinarian’s office to obtain a premise ID.
  2. Samples may either be dropped off in person M-F 8:30am-4:30pm or shipped directly to the CVMDL via FedEx or UPS priority overnight shipping. Samples must be sent with ice packs.
    • If shipping, please alert the lab and provide the tracking number to cvmdl.office@uconn.edu
    • Samples delivered by the producer or courier must be in a sealed tamper-proof container (ex. envelope sealed with a bovine ear tag or veterinarian collector’s signature across the seal).

USDA guidance for moving cattle interstate:

  • “For groups/lots of 30 or fewer animals moving interstate, all animals moving must be tested. If more than 30 animals are moving interstate, then only 30 animals total must be tested.”
  • “Sample collection and testing must take place no more than seven (7) days prior to interstate movement.”
  • “Nonclinical lactating dairy cattle moving interstate direct to slaughter are not required to have premovement test but must move on a certificate of veterinary inspection or other documentation of movement approved by the sending and receiving state animal health officials and provided to the sending and receiving state animal health officials.”

Additional Resources:

FDA: Updates on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) | FDA

Official USDA Announcement: Federal and State Veterinary, Public He…Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds (uconn.edu)

Frequently Asked Questions: HPAI-Dairy-faq.pdf (uconn.edu)

For testing and submission information please contact the CT Department of Agriculture at 860-713-2505 or by email at ctstate.vet@ct.gov